English is a stew
English is a stew of words from everywhere, past and present, near and far. It got way out of control even before the Oxford English...
Do you have a spelling question? Ask Missus B.
"Why does I have a capital letter in the middle of a sentence? Great Question. After all, me does not have a capital letter and so why...
A good Q from a 5 year old.
My granddaughter hangs her bag on a hook labelled with her name at kindy. Kindy kids learn to read other names as well as their own....
Who put the H in Christmas?
No questions from Tangiora this Monday because she is in Bali but grandson Morgan’s latest is, ‘Why is there an H in CHRISTMAS and...
Three Shorts
Shorter version last blog. Long ago long vowels were followed by single consonants, and short strong vowels were always followed by...
Hop and hope with Fairy E.
Tangiora — In our last session with the Spelling Queen she said she’d tell us about marking short and long vowels. I think we are...
If, Of, Off.
Tangiora - We will hear from the Spelling Queen soon. She tells me she is going to discuss F words. Good morning Paquita. What’s this...
Child-ish chil-dren and kind kin-dred
Introduction from Tangiora - How do we manage to spell our many vowel sounds with just five vowel letters? We'll ask the Spelling Queen...
Absurd, herd, bird, but why word?
Tangiora - Have you ever wondered why WORD is spelt with an O and not an I as in BIRD? This mystery will be revealed next by the...
Chain Reaction - Collateral Damage
Tangiora - Last time I spoke with the Spelling Queen we heard how running writing made the letter U very hard to read, especially after W...